Tuesday, January 03, 2006

StartUp Jerusalem

StartUp Jerusalem (SUJ) is a non-profit organization aimed at stimulating economic development and job creation in Jerusalem. Our mission is to achieve the revitalization of Jerusalem and its national and international appeal through the development of the city's unique competitive advantages. We believe that aside from improving the capital's economic profile and creating new and high-value job opportunities, the achieveemtn of this goal will also assist in creating harmony between the city's diverse demorgraphic sectors.

Where are Jerusalem's Advantages?

StartUp Israel determined that there were 6 directions that start-ups in Jerusalem could be focused:
1. Health and Life Sciences
2. Outsourcing and business services
3. Culture and Tourism

StartUp Jerusalem benchmarked San Deigo:
Strong Academia, great zoo, and huge potential for bio-tech. Jerusalem is far ahead of where San Deigo was 20 years ago. StartUp is attempting to mimik Jerusalem's development with how they leveraged and branded San Deigo two decades ago.

Its a strange phenomena that when visiting Jerusalem, there's no information readily available for entertainment in the area. Your average tourist that goes abroad wants to spend a little extra cash, especially on the culture activities in the area. Only 5% of tourists in Jerusalem actually spend their extra cash on culture activities in the city.

- Local industry. This ogranization was created by the government of Jerusalem, who are actually putting their money where their mouth is.
- International partners. Most non-profit funders say, "You do the work, we'll give you the money." SUJ request money first
50% is the Israeli government and 50% is international donations.

Ultra-Religious - Been 20% of the population in Jerusalem continuously.

SUJ is not focused on bringing American or European Theatre into Jerusalem, but promote what's already in Jerusalem to the international market. For example, if a play can only be viewed in Hebrew, non-Hebrew speakers won't go. To change this entry-barrier, SUJ tells the theater company - if you produce a play with English subtitles, we'll get people to come.


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