Sunday, October 09, 2005

Acceptance vs. The Authentic

The difference between acceptance and authenticity.

Acceptance is asking the question, "Have I done everything I need to in order to just get by, and is it good enough for everyone else?"

Authenticity is asking the question, "Have I pushed myself to do what I know is right, and at minimum what I am most capable of doing?"

I learned that when the decision is easy, it's easy to see the difference between acceptance and authenticity. But, when the decision gets hard, we trick ourselves that our acceptance is the same as being authentic.

This is the biggest question I am asking myself as the Jewish New Year began this week, I have a few days left before Yom Kippur, to make an effort to push for the authentic me.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The strongest lightening strikes from from the edge of the storm (positive charges) not the center of the storm (negative charges).


The Jewish New Year begins today.

"It may sound funny, but eatin' apples 'n honey makes the New Year sweet 'n sunny!" ;-)